Supporting Floyd and Polk County
We provide transformative in-home education and support to Floyd and Polk County families, empowering them to create safe, stable and nurturing homes so that their children can grow and thrive.
Tina Bartleson, Executive Director
Kathy Phillips, Director of Administrative Services
Maxine Clark, Administrative Assistant
Varina Bray, Parent Aide Supervisor
Brandi Edwards, Parent Aide
Amanda Rutledge, Parent Aide
Corey Smith, Parent Aide
Claudia Navichoque, First Step Coordinator
Lynn Babineaux, Hugh Bonner, Frank Byers, John Fortune, Chloe Garth-Fielder, Tara Inman, Brandi Jones, Braden Keith, Cathy Kerce, Rebekah Kinney, Shannon Newby, Michelle O’Neill, Amy Patterson, Lee Roberts, Clemontine Slack, Harry Wise
Chase Tolbert, President
Ande Frazier, Vice President
Kristie Lawler, Secretary
Lee Niedrach, Treasurer
Hugh Bonner, Past President
Kelly Sanker, Past President
Tina Bartleson, Executive Director
Our list of past recipients: (2003) Katie Dempsey; (2004) Jim Bishop; (2005) Sam Evans; (2006) Stephen Patton; (2007) John Hine; (2008) Lynn Maddox; (2009) Gail Johnson; (2010) Lisa Stuenkel; (2011) Phyllis Pemerton; (2012) Dr. Gary Smith; (2013) George Kastanias; (2014) Jason Sanker; (2015) Gin Gunther; (2016) Robin Hice; (2017) Terry Clift; (2018) Susan Little; (2019) Lisa Donner; (2020-2021) Dr. Matt McClain; (2022) Kelly Sanker; and (2023) Lee Niedrach.